8 Best Cable Back Exercises for Back Strength & Hypertrophy

Interested in having a massive, attention-grabbing upper torso that will show off your muscles and strength even while you're wearing a dull T-shirt?

You must concentrate on developing a powerful back and an upper body on your physique, athleticism, and power than any number of bicep curls ever would.

Lifting heavy weights requires a strong foundation, and strengthening the essential muscles in your traps and rhomboids can provide you with the foundation you need.

However, there is more to back training than straight-bar movements such as bent-over rows, T-bar rows, and inverted rows, which can be taxing on your shoulders and elbows.

Why you should do Cable Back Exercises?

Inverted rows are particularly challenging.

Try cable exercises to get your heart rate up and for your muscles worked.

They allow you more freedom of movement in your arms while also maintaining consistent tension on your muscles, which is not possible with dumbbells.

In order to achieve a completely developed back, you must engage a large number of primary and secondary muscles during your workout.

For a well-balanced increase in back strength, you'll need to incorporate a variety of back exercises that target your upper and lower back muscle.

Including the lats, upper-mid portion of the back, lower back, and all of the secondary muscles in between.

Lat pulldowns are a great way to start building strength in your back and also for your biceps and triceps.

8 Best Cable Back Exercises
8 Best Cable Back Exercises

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Best Cable Exercises

Include the cable machine in your cable exercise to build your strength and muscle mass on your shoulder blade.

Which, will transfer into stronger gains when you return to primary lifts such as the deadlift or military press after a period of rest.

When doing a cable row, should you lean forward?

When you bend forward to extend your range of motion or lean back to complete the draw, your hips are brought into action. Even though it's difficult to maintain a totally upright position during the row. Attempt to lean no more than 10 degrees from the vertical to keep hip flexors and lower-back involvement to a minimum.

1. Cable Row with a Seated Position

Cable Row with a Seated Position

The seated cable row is a fundamental exercise for developing a strong, broad back.

When you do this, it hammers your trapezius, which provides your back the width and thickness that distinguishes strength and power from other exercises.

Begin by pressing your shoulder blades together to initiate the exercise as the starting position.

With each repetition, row the bar to your chest and touch it to your chest.

If you cheat by leaning backward, you will place needless strain on your lower back.

Use a wide grasp to draw attention to your back muscles; use a narrow grip to increase the amount of arm work you do.

2. Single Arm Cable Row

Single Arm Cable Row

With a single arm, you can target each side of your body separately, which can assist to correct any imbalances in strength, activate your stabilizers to prevent injuries, and increase the amount of work you perform in your core like the seated row.

Adjust the height of a cable handle to your desired level.

Grab the handle, take a step back, and position yourself so that you are facing the cable.

Beginning by bringing your shoulder blades toward your midline, row without turning your torso until the activity is completed.

After you've completed all of your reps, switch sides.

Put yourself in a split stance with one foot approximately three feet ahead of the other; whichever leg is behind you should grab the handle with that leg.

3. Single-Arm Cable Rotation and Rowing

Single-Arm Cable Rotation and Rowing

With each row, add a twist to activate your shoulder stabilizers, which will improve your health while also providing a lower-body component for added complexity to your workout.

Put your feet in a split stance with your front foot slightly turned in.

Hold the cable handle on the same side of the leg as the leg that is in front of you.

Beginning by bringing your shoulder blades toward your midline, row without turning your torso until the activity is completed.

When you reach the top of the row, take a moment to pause and then rotate your hips and upper torso toward the cable while keeping your shoulders compressed.

Dumbbell row can also be used as a substitute.

4. Cable Row with a Half-Kneeling Position

Cable Row with a Half-Kneeling Position

Dropping down on one knee and doing your rows will elevate the conventional standing single-arm cable row to a higher level of difficulty.

Although it appears simple, taking this position alters everything:

Getting into half-kneeling position prevents you from stretching your lower back in order to squeeze out a few more reps—getting into this position places your pelvis in a neutral position and keeps it there throughout the workout.

Second, you are unable to make up for lost time with your lower body.

Third, you'll be more active in your trunk than you were previously, which will benefit you in practically every athletic movement you perform.

In the half-kneeling position, on the other hand, it's quite easy to cheat.

Check to be that everything is square to the cable machine and that your feet are as narrow as possible before you begin.

Do not allow your bottom ribs to protrude outward.

The toes of your back leg should not be pressed into the ground; instead, let your laces rest on the ground.

Squeeze your glutes in the back and keep your pelvis firmly planted beneath you.

5. Split Stance Low Cable Row

Split Stance Low Cable Row

By just altering your stance, you can transform a simple cable row workout into a total-body action that targets the powerful muscles in your glutes and hamstrings while remaining in the same position.

Reduce the tension in a cable handle to its smallest setting.

Put yourself in a split stance and bend forward at the hips so that your torso is perpendicular to cable.

Repeat on the other side.

Holding the handle in with the leg that is behind you is a good idea.

Row using your back leg and concentrate on squeezing the glute on your rear leg.

6. Lat Pulldown Cable Exercise for Back Strength

Lat Pulldown

However, while the cable pulldown is an excellent exercise for developing wide lats, a simple modification transforms this move into a shoulder-friendly workout that targets the muscles in your middle and lower trapezius.

Set up a lat pull down machine and lean back by 30 degrees while performing the exercise.

Begin by pushing your shoulder blades together and pulling the bar down to your collarbone to begin the action.

There are also type of lat pull down grips and methods which includes the straight arm lat pulldown and the wide grip lat pulldown.

7. Pulling on the Face Cable Exercise for Back Workout

Pulling on the Face

Exercises such as face pull are excellent for correcting poor posture, putting your shoulders in a more comfortable position, and reducing upper-body problems.

In order to counteract all of the time we spend with our arms in front of us—on a computer, at a desk, driving, and so on—every guy requires face pulls, regardless of strength level or training history.

Set a cable rope attachment over your head to serve as a support.

Start by pinching the backs of your shoulder blades and bringing them down into your hands, palms facing each other. Repeat this movement on both sides.

Pull the rope in the direction of your nose.

Attach two cable rope attachments to the machine and grasp one rope in each hand to give yourself a greater range of motion.

8. X-Row of Cable Exercise for Stronger Backs

X-Row of Cables

The X-Row is yet another excellent workout for strengthening your back and improving your posture.

By pulling from such an unusual angle, you'll hammer the muscles in your mid-back and rotator cuff, which will help you avoid shoulder issues in the long run.

Use a cable crossover machine to accomplish this.

With your right hand, grasp the left cable, while holding the right cable with your left hand.

To fully extend your arms to your sides, pull both handles across and in front of you until your arms are fully extended to your sides.

Are Cable Machine A Good Option?

Yes, cable workouts for the back are excellent for increasing muscle mass and strength in the lower back.

When performing a range of back workouts with a variety of angles, weights, attachments, and body postures, the cables help to ensure that the action is as smooth as possible.

Whenever you walk into a gym, you'll encounter a mix of people utilizing the cable machine for back exercises, including the biggest guys and girls, as well as novices who aren't as familiar with the world of weightlifting.

This is due to the fact that cable machines are extremely adaptable, providing something for everyone.

The fact that cable machines produce continual stress, similar to that of resistance bands, is perhaps the most important reason why they are such a useful instrument for upper back and core muscles.

The amount of time spent under strain is a critical component of muscle development.

With exercise machine, force is provided to your muscles on both the eccentric and concentric phases of each exercise, resulting in more effective muscle development.

In related news, here are eight resistance band back exercises as well as a full-length back workout.

Exercises With Cable Pulley Machine Have Many Benefits

As previously said, there are various advantages to using cable machines for a variety of body part for cable pull, but this is especially true for back workouts, which are particularly beneficial.

Check out some of the additional advantages of cable back workouts in the section below.

Increasing Muscular Strength and Size:

When performed correctly and with sufficient intensity, back exercises with a cable machine can result in significant increases in muscle strength, shoulder width, shoulder height and size including your rear delts and your elbow as the force holder.

There's a reason why cable machines are found in every respectable gym in the world; they're effective with personal trainer of course.

Cable machine, which are ideal for hypertrophy rep ranges of 6-20, let you to squeeze out that final reps or two that are necessary to encourage muscular growth.

Suitable for People of All Fitness Levels:

Back workouts with a cable are beneficial to people of all fitness levels, from advanced lifters to complete beginners.

If you're a more advanced lifter, you could choose to concentrate on a smaller supporting muscle like the teres major/minor or the infraspinatus, for example.

For back workouts, beginners can use a cable machine, which is more forgiving than free weights, because the cable machine helps to keep motions regular across the proper range of motion.

Additionally, some cable machines may even feature pictures or labels with an explanation of how to perform the exercise on the screen.

Helps to Maintain Good Form:

By assisting in the maintenance of proper lifting technique and form, the cable machine can help to prevent injuries and provides only a compound exercise.

When using barbells or dumbbells, proper technique is essential because you must maintain complete control over the weight at all times.

Working out your back using a cable machine allows you to achieve full range of motion without deviating from your intended course.

Controlled Range of Motion:

One major difference between doing back workouts with free weights and using a cable machine is that you have the ability to change up the angles and positions that you use with the cable attachment.

Because of the constant battle against gravity, free weight exercises cannot be approached from different angles, whereas cable machines allow you to approach the same exercise from different angles.

For example, lat rows can be done by pulling down from the weight above or at an angle like in bent over rows.

Cable back exercises can be performed more easily if they are not performed with abrupt motions.

Maintaining Constant Strain on Your Muscles:

Cable pulley devices maintain constant tension on your muscles. Working on both sides of a movement is essential.

For example, when performing lat pulldowns, you engage your back and arm muscles to pull the weight down, but you also stimulate the muscles by controlling how much weight you lift back up again.

This results in an increase in time under tension (TUT), which is a key component in developing strong, lean muscle tissue.

Extremely Versatile:

When utilizing the cable machine to perform back workouts, you have the ability to move your arms in a variety of directions, allowing you to target muscles from a variety of angles with ease.

In addition, you may effortlessly change the grip of the attachment on the cable machine to execute a variety of workouts effectively and securely like an overhand grip and neutral grip.

When performing back exercises, this is critical because many people have difficulty targeting muscles such as the teres major/minor or the rhomboids, which are commonly overlooked.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are cable exercises good for?

While you are lifting and lowering the weight, the cable machines maintain continuous tension.
Because muscle growth and strength increases are directly proportional to the amount of strain applied on the muscle during the exercise, cable machines tire muscles more quickly and result in larger strength gains than other types of exercise.

How many exercises should I do per workout?

General, a single exercise performed three times can be beneficial depending on your goals, and even one exercise performed three times per muscle group might be beneficial depending on your goals.
When it comes to building strength, it's ideal to stick to a few fundamental exercises and concentrate your reps and sets on those.

Should you rock when doing cable rows?

WARNING: While performing this exercise, do not swing or rock back and forth.
Lower back damage can result from this practice.
Your back should be slightly arched, and your chest should be protruding slightly outside.