How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group? [Answered]

Almost everyone dreads putting away their beach suits and suntan lotion as the temperatures begin to drop at the end of the summer season.

Those with a strong desire to muscle gain are well aware that it is the time of year when they can concentrate on muscle growth and becoming as large as possible.

Consider the training frequency that will allow you to get the greatest possible increase in muscle mass.

We all know that strength training is beneficial – in fact, it's fantastic.

Integrating strength training into your fitness program has numerous benefits, including increased muscle mass and stronger bones, as well as improved balance and weight management.

What's even more difficult is figuring out how everything will work in the long run.

Is there a magic number of days per week that you should devote to physical activity?

Should the upper and lower body be separated?

How many repetitions and sets are there?

There is a wealth of knowledge available, as well as numerous approaches to training.

Throughout this post, we'll talk about how many workouts you should do each muscle group and how often you should do them.

How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group?
How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group?

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How Many Exercises Per Workout? [Answered]

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How many exercises should I perform per muscle group should I perform?

Ideally, you should attempt to do 10-20 sets of each muscle group every week, divided into two sessions.

This will keep you fresh, reducing the possibility of overtraining, and should result in improved gains.

It is preferable for each workout to consist of 15-25 sets in total, with no more than 10 sets for a specific muscle group on any given day.

What's The Quick and Dirty Answer?

It varies depending on a variety of factors, including your current fitness level and desired results.

For example, according to study conducted by Trusted Source, the more the number of weekly sets you accomplish, the greater the amount of muscle hypertrophy — or size increase — you will notice.

To build muscle, there are varied exercise to choose from either it is a full body workout, a resistance training, a chest exercise, an isolation exercise or a compound exercise with a compound movement pattern.

What happens, however, if you're interested in gaining muscle?

Alternatively, How About Muscular Endurance?

General, a single exercise performed three times can be beneficial for muscle building depending on your goals, and even one exercise performed three times per muscle group might be beneficial depending on your goals.

When it comes to strength building, it's ideal to stick to a few fundamental exercises and concentrate your reps and sets on those.

If you want to gain muscle mass, you'll want to vary your workout routine more according to your body part, spreading your reps and sets throughout a wider range of exercises.

In Terms of Workouts Each Week vs. Per Month

Should you think about exercises by muscle group in a weekly perspective, or should you think about exercises by workout?

To gain a better understanding of this topic, we need first consider the amount of training that is provided.

Training volume is calculated like follows: repetitions x sets x weight.

The appropriate exercise volume for you will be determined by a number of criteria, including your current fitness level and desired results for strength gain.

Training volume is best approached as a weekly goal, as it takes into account how many exercises per week you intend to devote to a certain muscle group in each session.

Whether you train each muscle group once a week or three times a week, your volume goal will remain the same regardless of how often you train.

All you have to do is change the number of reps and sets you want to complete in each session.

Workout Sets As Opposed To Reps

It's also vital to think about your workouts in terms of sets rather than reps when planning them.

Consider the following when planning your weekly training volume: the greater the number of reps you perform, the lower the number of sets you'll need to complete.

This will almost certainly result in a lower weight load.

However, the fewer reps you accomplish — most likely with a higher weight — the more sets you'll be required to perform.

Here's where your objectives come into play:

Lower rep ranges of 5 and under are the most effective for increasing strength.

In order to achieve the optimal combination of muscle strength and size, moderate rep ranges of 6 to 12 are recommended (hypertrophy).

High rep ranges (13 to 20 reps) are the most useful for increasing muscle endurance for heavy weight.

Once you've determined your objectives, you'll be able to determine whether your workouts will be set- or rep-heavy.

Weekly Volume Vs. Frequency of Occurrence

Another important consideration is whether you want to complete your weekly training volume in a single session or whether you want to spread it out over several sessions.

The frequency with which you train your muscle groups — or the number of sessions you complete each week — can have an impact on your results.

Because of one important factor: recovery, it is likely that doing three to four sessions per week to reach your training volume would produce greater outcomes than doing it all at once.

It is possible to perform better even at the end of your sets because you will be less fatigued and your muscles will have time to rest.

Choosing the Appropriate Split

When compared to a “whole body” approach to training, workout plan divides target specific muscle groups or regions throughout different workouts, taking a weekly or even monthly approach to your training regimen.

For example, an upper body-lower body split routine would be the most fundamental of all for building muscle.

Alternatively, you could break it down even further, with a chest/triceps/abs day, a back/biceps day, a leg day, and a shoulder day scheduled each week for different muscle groups.

An important goal of a workout split is to give certain muscle groups time to recover before taxing them again, while yet pounding the entire body on a consistent basis.

It's critical to take these breaks since recovery is a critical component of seeing results – especially as your training load increases.

How To Increase Muscle Size

According to research, if you want to improve your muscle mass, you should concentrate on the amount of work you put in throughout your workout session or have a personal trainer.

Volume refers to the number of exercises, sets, and repetitions that you accomplish during each training session.

A common error that lifters do is asking, “What is the optimal range of sets and reps per workout?”

It's crucial to step back and consider the large picture especially for your muscle fiber.

In order to gain muscle mass, you must first determine how many total repetitions you should accomplish each week.

Once you have this number, you may divide down your training into different workouts to maximize your results with fewer exercises per day.

Studies have found that larger muscular areas such as the quadriceps and the back require between 90 and 120 weekly repetitions.

Depending on the amount of weight utilized, you have to achieve higher volume workouts with different exercise variation.

The heavier the weight you use, the fewer repetitions you will need to complete the exercise.

A total of 50 to 70 repetitions are required for the smaller muscle groups, such as the biceps and triceps.

Two to three times every week, you should train the same muscle group.

It is recommended that you train each muscle group twice per week if you want to achieve your weekly repetition goal while also increasing muscle size.

While it is possible to set aside one day per week to pound out ten or more sets, I would advise against doing so for a variety of reasons.

Observed science:

Burnout can be avoided by increasing the intensity of your workouts, which, in addition to volume, is critical for tearing down muscle tissue and triggering growth.

When you train each muscle group 2-3 times per week with fewer sets, you may increase the intensity of your workouts and get the most out of each session.

Reducing your risk of injury:

Doing fewer sets more frequently and over a longer period of time can help you prevent overuse issues.

Furthermore, if you can avoid burnout and remain in the zone during the entire workout, you will reduce your chances of suffering an injury as a result of being distracted.

Exercise for the biceps is curling a dumbbell.

How many exercises to be performed during workout?

You should do full-body workouts with one exercise per muscle group three times per week on the following schedule if you have less than a year of experience with weight training:

Getting Started with the Workout:

Monday: First full-body workout of the week

Tuesday: Rest day or cardio session

Wednesday: You will do a full-body workout 2.

Thursday: Take it easy.

Friday: Full-body workout number three.

Saturday: Rest day or cardio session

Sunday: A day of rest.

If this isn't your first rodeo, I'd suggest doing an upper-body/lower-body split to keep things interesting.

Two upper-body workouts and two lower-body workouts per week, with two exercises per large muscle group and one exercise per smaller muscle group, should be completed during each week.

Workout for Advanced Performers:

Monday: Lower-body exercise number one

Tuesday: Upper-body workout No. 1 (in the morning)

Wednesday: Rest day or cardio session

Thursday: Workout for the lower body

Friday: Workout for the upper body number two

Saturday: Rest day or cardio session

Sunday: A day of rest.

How Many Exercises for Each Muscle Group?

The full-body plan will need you to work out each muscle group three times each week if you choose this option.

Workout for the Entire Body and Large Muscle Groups:

Weekly repetitions of 90-120 are separated into three exercises.

Workouts should consist of 30-40 repetitions.

3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per exercise (total of 3 sets).

Workout for the Entire Body and Smaller Muscle Groups:

Three sessions consisting of 50-70 repetitions each.

Workouts should consist of 15-25 repetitions.

2 sets of 8-12 repetitions per exercise for a total of 2 sets.

It is being prepared to conduct a bench press, which is a pectoral workout.

You'll be exercising each muscle group twice a week if you choose the upper/lower split plan, which you can find here.

Routine for Large Muscle Groups in Two Parts:

90-120 repetitions per week, divided into two sessions per week

Workouts should consist of 45-60 repetitions.

Split Routine for Muscle Groups That Are Smaller:

Divided into two sessions, 50-70 repetitions each.

Every workout should consist of 25-35 repetitions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is 3 exercises per workout enough?

The recommended amount of exercises to perform during a training session is three to four.
If you choose your exercises wisely and train them with proper volume and intensity, you will be able to make significant development in a short period of time.

How many sets should I do for a muscle group?

Based on the 2017 meta-analysis described above, we may conclude that 10-20 sets per muscle each week is the optimal amount of time to spend working out for maximum growth.
Those who are just starting out are at the lower end of this range, and those who are more experienced are at the higher end of this range.

Is it better to workout one muscle group a day or multiple?

It is best to concentrate on only one main muscle group per session in order to achieve the greatest amount of growth (chest, legs or back).
Exercises that target two minor muscle groups can be added to your routine as a supplement (biceps, triceps, hamstrings, calves, abs and shoulders).